He has decided to visit Japan with a view to enlarging his managerial know-how.
He’s painting and decorating the house with a view to selling it for a good price.
There were then in Sherwood scores of masterless men like John of Mansfield, and when they heard how Robin had spoiled the Prior of Newark they sought him out with a view to joining him.
He makes friends with a view to using them.
We have also initiated a Global Clean Energy Cooperation Partnership with a view to achieving energy security.
Renault is considering doing something similar, also with a view to accelerating innovation.
With a view to safety, the viceroy kept high vigilance.
This is the inevitable result of investment markets organised with a view to so-called 'liquidity'.
Back in civilian life, Cashel begins touring Europe with a view to writing a travel book.
It is in vain that I thought of M. Croisenois with a view to pleasing you.
我为了取悦您而到克罗瓦努瓦先生, 但没有用。
" I'm glad that these experiments are done with a view to understanding the privacy, " Anumanchipalli says.
What happens is we get a lot of trouble with protesters with a view to discredit the museum.
So often we design the city with a view to optimising the city for the paid daytime labour market.
From New York he caught a steamer to California, a newly minted American citizen, with a view to expanding the family's dry-goods business.
So for the eight years Jefferson steered an even course, suggesting measure after measure with a view to avoiding bloodshed.
因此,在八年的时间里, 杰斐逊采取了一条平稳的路,议采取一项又一项措施, 以避免流血事件。
The next step, says Dr Ruohola-Baker, is to try to boost enamel production even further, with a view to eventually beginning clinical trials.
A man would still be free to accumulate his earned income with a view to spending it at a later date.
一个人仍然可以自由地积累他的劳动收入, 以备日后消费。
And so there's no one way to see the museum. Except that, at the Hood, there's always with a view to the outside world.
The Master said, " In ancient times, men learned with a view to their own improvement. Nowadays, men learn with a view to the approbation of others."
That could be used to analyse blood samples, for instance, with a view to picking up even the smallest markers of disease.
它可以用来分析血液样本, 例如,以期找出哪怕是最小的疾病标志物。
I observe from seven or eight till about two in the morning, with a view to my great work on variable stars.
我从七八点观察到凌晨两点左右, 以期完成我在变星方面的伟大工作。
Do not try to more than fill your present place with a view to pleasing your employer; do it with the idea of advancing yourself.
And if you walk into the teaching experience with a view to learning, then I think that you'll be successful as a teacher.